Wednesday, April 18, 2018

How Your Fitness Routine Can Boost Your Metabolic Rate And Help You Lose Weight More Quickly

If you want to lose weight then you need to consider your calorie balance. In simple terms, if you consume less calories by eating and drinking than you use up by performing physical activity, you will lose weight. Physical activity includes just about anything you do. You use up calories all the time during the day. Sitting watching the TV, typing on your computer, reading a book – all of these activities use up calories.

Your metabolic rate sounds very scientific – but it’s just the rate at which you burn calories. Of course, not everybody has the same metabolic rate. We all know some lucky people who seem able to eat whatever they like without piling on the pounds. They probably have a metabolic rate which is higher than normal.

That’s one of the reasons why you should include some element of regular exercise in your weight loss program. Obviously when you perform exercise you will burn off some calories, which is great of course. However, what’s even better is that, as long as your exercise is conducted on a regular basis it will actually cause your metabolic rate to rise. You will burn off more calories than before – even when you’re not exercising – and that could help you see better results, and a lot faster, than if you rely solely on dieting to lose weight.

The important thing is consistency. You don’t need to visit the gym or get all hot and sweaty, a low intensity workout will do the trick – as long as it is performed frequently. Walking is one of the best and most popular ways to take regular exercise. There are no monthly membership fees, it’s easy to do, you can slot it into your daily schedule whenever you like and you don’t need any special equipment or training. It has very many health benefits in addition to helping you to lose weight and, as it’s a low impact workout, it has a very low risk of injury.

If you want, you can increase the efficiency of your walking workout using the latest design of fitness footwear. You can now purchase specially designed shoes like Skechers Shape Ups, Reebok Easy Tones, MBT’s and Fit flops sandals – all of which use specially designed soles to increase the amount of work done by your lower body muscles and to help tone your legs and trim your butt. However, even if you don’t feel the need to try any of these, then do be absolutely certain to get yourself a pair of shoes that are a good fit and are comfortable. You’ll find it very difficult to maintain your walking schedule if you have blisters or if your shoes are uncomfortable in any way.

Lots of people want to know just how many calories they will use by walking. One of the main influencing factors is your weight. Someone who is heavier will use more calories per mile than a lighter person – simply because they are carrying more weight over the same distance. An approximate rule of thumb is that a 180 pound person will use up about 100 calories per mile walked. A 130 pound individual will burn about 84 calories when walking the same distance. If you would like to know more accurately how many calories you are using up then an Omron pedometer is accurate to a tolerance of 5% and can store and display your results in terms of calories burned, distance covered or the total number of steps taken.

Health and fitness professionals seem to be in general agreement that if you can walk for 10,000 steps on a daily basis, you will unlock a number of different significant health benefits – including, but certainly not limited to, weight loss. However, you don’t need to go out and do this tomorrow. Take your time and build up slowly. If it’s been a while since you took any regular exercise, if you have any medical conditions, or if you are over forty, then you should definitely seek your doctor’s advice before you commence any new exercise routine. Don’t forget, the important thing is consistency and exercising on a regular basis. Short bursts of high intensity physical activity are nowhere near as beneficial as repeated low level exercise. That’s why walking is such a great option.

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