Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Eating Disorders Can Be Fatal

Anorexia nervosa or simply anorexia is a mental disorder of constantly feeling overweight even though one is underweight. It is addressed as a fear of gaining weight. This is very dangerous psychological disorder if not treated in time. The word Anorexia is derived from a Greek compound word that means lack of desire to eat. This word actually combines Anorexia nervosa, commonly referred to simply as anorexia, is one type of eating disorder. More importantly, it is also a psychological disorder. Anorexia is a condition that goes beyond out-of-control dieting. A person with anorexia often initially begins with dieting to lose weight. Over period of time weight loss becomes a sign of mastered art and controlled behavior. A desire to lose weight is basically a secondary act to concerns about control and/or fears relating to one’s body. The individual continuously engage in endless cycle of restrictive eating, often accompanied by other behaviors such as excessive exercising or the overuse of diet pills, diuretics, laxatives, and/or enemas in order to reduce body weight and get rid of eaten calories, they often go to a point which is closer to starvation in order to feel a sense of control over his or her body.

This psychological disorder needs to be treated at earliest, unless done so; it may drive the person to kill oneself by over starving or eating much below intake level. There is an obsessive fear of gaining weight due to the distorted self image. This is a very serious mental illness accompanied by high incidents of co morbidity also this is an illness with highest mortality rates due to malnutrition in body. This term was first coined and recognized by Sir William Gull, personal physician of Queen Victoria, in the year 1873. This illness does not only affect women predominantly but also men to large extent. There are various symptoms like any other illness. The anorexic person displays lack of hunger, he/she may cook elaborated meals for others but will not eat self. Despite being underweight, they will follow strict diet regime or will indulge in excessive exercising. They will cut food into small pieces and hide it or discard it. They will immediately throw out if taken any food inside or practice self induced vomiting. The above mentioned are commonly found symptoms. There are various treatment centers for anorexia. These centers target on getting rid of this illness by planning a recovery program centered on the client. There are various types of treatment for anorexia nervosa like medication, anti-depressant, and therapies for improving the behavioral patterns or activities.?