Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Chemical Peel Acne Scar Treatment

Chemical peels are a fantastic way to treat acne scars. They are gaining in popularity. They have become much less costly, and are extremely effective.

As the name implies, they “peel” off the top layer of (damaged) skin using a chemical. By removing the old layer of skin, a fresh layer exposed. This is a delicate process. It should only be performed by well trained professionals. A chemical peel left on for too long can cause serious damage to the face.

A trained and certified doctor needs to be consulted about this course of treatment. This consultation will allow him/her to weigh such factors as your skin pigmentation, the oil level of your skin, and the severity of your scarring. From there, they can decide if a chemical peel is the best treatment for you.
The highest effectiveness are with those that only suffer(ed) from more superficial scarring. Generally, chemical peels are less effective for those with heavier scarring.

Alphahydroxy and Betahydroxy acids are two of the mildest chemicals used in a peel treatment. With these lighter peels, downtime is low. Your body will adjust to the chemical’s effect, and the crusting will go away. If you need to, you may be able to repeat this milder treatment every 6 weeks. Many factors influence this decision; costs, time, discomforts – and most importantly, your dermatologist’s opinion!

If you are in the midst of a big breakout, or your acne is just generally severe – a chemical peel should not be performed. . Also women who are pregnant should not receive a chemical peel.

Some stronger chemicals can be used for peels. Included in these are, trichloroacetic acid (TCA) and phenol. . These stronger chemicals do, however, come with possible side effects. Extremely sensitive and dry skin, and/or an increased sensitivity to sunlight can occur. Flaking can be severe and even lead to a more serious cracking of the skin. Much more than the severity of scarring needs to be considered – be sure to discuss treatments with your doctor beforehand.

Chemical peels are definitely a powerful weapon to have in the arsenal you use to combat acne scarring. Like we always say – much more than just the scar decides how to best fight it. Consult with a doctor. If they have misgivings about whether a peel is best for you, finding new treatments instead of a new physician is best for you!

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