Wednesday, March 21, 2018

How to Diet Safely with Heart Failure

If you have been diagnosed with heart failure, your doctor may have suggested that you lose weight in order to aid in your treatment. But what kind of special precautions should be taken if you are suffering with this condition and need to lose weight? This article discusses five important tips that can be used by heart failure patients who are trying to slim down. You’ll look as great as you feel!

Avoid Salt

One of the most important considerations you must absolutely keep in mind if you have been diagnosed with heart failure and are interested in dieting is the amount of salt in your foods. Salt is extremely dangerous for people with heart failure not only in that it can lead to further cardiovascular damage—but can also lead to water retention, which will actually make you gain weight. For best results, try to find foods in their most natural form. This means fresh, with no added seasonings.

Avoid Fatty Meats

Fatty meats should also be avoided if you have been diagnosed with heart failure. The consumption of red meat and fatty other protein sources has been found to be linked to the development of cardiovascular disease—and therefore, eating these meats will only worsen your condition. In addition, red meats and other fatty meats are typically high in calories. Therefore, eliminating these products from your diet will not only result in a lower body weight, but will also prevent further damage to your heart.

Eat Your Vegetables

If you are dieting and have been diagnosed with heart failure, be sure to eat plenty of vegetables. Vegetables are rich in fiber, which has found to be effective in the treatment and prevention of cardiovascular disease. In addition, fiber is great for people who are dieting because it is slow digesting—meaning that it takes a long time for foods that contain fiber to leave the stomach on their way to being digested. In addition, fiber is “bulky”—and therefore, foods that contain a lot of fiber will take up a lot of room in your stomach, making you feel full and preventing overeating of more calories.

Keep a Record

Another great way to diet safely if you have been diagnosed with heart failure is to keep a record of what you are eating. Be sure to write down all of the components of all meals and snacks, as well as your current weight and how you feel each day. Be sure to share this information with your doctor—it may be especially useful when determining your course of treatment.

Consult a Registered Dietitian

Finally, you may want to consider consulting a registered dietitian. A registered dietitian will be able to tell you exactly what food you should and should not each if you are dieting and have been diagnosed with heart failure. Your doctor should be able to recommend a great local dietitian that can help you achieve optimal results.

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